ACCESSIBLE - Applications Design and Development

Tools for download

  • Disability Impairment Approximation Simulator - DIAS (CERTH/ITI)
    DIAS is a Netbeans IDE plugin. It approximately simulates the difficulties someone with vision and other impairments face when interacting with Java Swing GUIs.
  • Web accessibility assessment Tool - WaaT (CERTH/ITI)
    WaaT is a tool for the accessibility verification of Web applications.
  • Web Service accessibility assessment Tool - WebSaaT (CERTH/ITI)
    WebSaaT is a tool for the accessibility assessment of Web Services. The tool parses web service definition files and allows for the accessibility assessment of the web service operations defined within it.
  • Mobile Web accessibility assessment Tool - MobileWaaT (FFCUL)
    MobileWaaT provides accessibility evaluation of mobile web applications by applying the Mobile Web Best Practices (Mobile Web Initiative) as well as the WCAG2.0 guidelines (WAI Initative) into mobile-simulated environments (e.g., iPhone, Android ,..)
  • Description Language accessibility assessment Tool - DLaaT (SOLINET)
    DLaaT provides the opportunity to evaluate the accessibility status of the SDL (Specification and Description Language) design of an application according to a set of guidelines.
  • Mobile Impairment Simulation Tool - MIS tool (CVUT)
    The Mobile Impairment Simulation tool is targeted to mobile application developers who want to simulate either effects of visual impairment (e.g. blurred vision) or impact of physical environment (e.g. reflection of objects on the display).
  • Evaluation portal (FORTH)
    The Development and Evaluation of ACCESSIBLE applications web portal allows to use a variety of online tools to assess the accessibility of mobile and web applications, online, using a browser.
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